Q: Will this conference be presented in English or Spanish?

A: Though many of the participants are Hispanic, many broadcasters and advertisers involved in Hispanic radio are not Hispanic. The conference will be presented in English.

Q: How long is the event?

A: The event will run one and a half days. It will begin after lunch on Day One, ending with cocktails. (Dinner is on your own.) The conference will continue most of the following day. The timing is designed to allow you time to fly in and fly out without taking three full days away from work.

Q: What is the cost of the event?
A: The cost is $895. NOTE: Attendance is limited to 250.

Q: Will there be breakout rooms?
A: No. We design the conference to contain the critical information every person in attendance needs to hear; therefore, we will hold all sessions in an auditorium setting so everyone is exposed to all the important information.

Q: Are meals provided?
A: There is an opening reception on Day One. No dinner is provided. Continental breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks are provided on Day Two.

Q: Who should attend?
A: Anyone involved in Hispanic radio ownership, management, advertising and investment. Sessions will cover demographic trends, issues facing Hispanic radio broadcasters, as well as management and programming issues. There will also be a session on the convergence with digital and social media as they relate to Hispanic formats.

Speaker Proposals:
Deborah Parenti, Radio Ink President/Publisher

Sponsorship information coming soon. In the meantime, contact your Radio Ink representative or Deborah Parenti at dparenti@streamlinepublishing.com.